Brendan loves putting his toys in his mouth, cooing and blowing bubbles. He grabs for everything with his hands and feet! And is very determined when he wants something! He loves to have his bum changed (weird I know) and has started liking the bath too. He also loves giving and getting kisses and his blanket and crib.
Brendan has two bottom teeth that have broke through. He is rolling over and already wanting to crawl! He is starting to have stranger anxiety a little.He has started eating cereal and some baby foods. He loves mashed potatoes, puffs and vegetables but isn't a fan of fruits just yet. He is still nursing and sucking his thumb! He has slept through the night since he was about 2 months old.
Brendan is such a good baby!!!! He is always content and happy. The only time he cries is when he is hungry, tired or has a yucky bum. He always has a big smile for everyone. I can't even express enough how much we love this little guy, he brings so much happiness to our family!
Here are his stats:
Height ~ 28.25 inches - 95%
Weight ~ 18.5 lbs. - 70%
Head ~ 95%
He's a big boy!!!