July 8, 2009

Best Buddies

Carter just ADORES our dog Chewy. He'll lay with him for a long time and Chewy is so good with him, either he loves him too or just tolerates him.... I'm not sure!Awww, how cute just look at them.....best buds!


Holly said...

Well if that just isn't the cutest thing I've ever seen! Ruby would be jealous that Chewy is getttin' some lovin' from somebody else. Chewy you two timer! :)

P.S. How is Carter feeling, does he have ear infections like you thought?

Michelle said...

What cute picture of Carter and your dog, they are both so cute! Looks like a pretty sweet little playhouse and that's so nice that your kids love it so much. Youth Conference looked like lots of fun too. You guys sure are staying busy and having lots of fun this summer! I'm quite impressed that you do all you do, have 4 kids and still keep up with blogging! Good job!