November 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Boston!!!
I can't believe my Boston is 3 years old!!! Where does the time go?! I just love this little guy he is one of a kind, and is such a cute boy. I didn't get any pictures of his gifts but he got lots! Thanks everyone!!
We celebrated Ben's birthday too since it's only two days after Boston's. And for the record no, he's not turning four! I was running low on candles!! We had fun company and yummy ice cream cake! Whew... done with birthday's for a while!
November 25, 2009
Last day!

I am glad that I did my little 28 days of thankful. It really made me realize that I really have nothing to complain about, I am well blessed!
Last but not least I am definitely thankful for my EXPERIENCES.
Both good and bad, I've learned from them and without my experiences....I'm not me!!! I feel stronger and more appreciative of things in my life. I also feel that I am more sympathetic and can relate to people more because of them. I wouldn't change a single thing about my life, this I am truly GRATEFUL!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
November 24, 2009
Day 2
I am thankful to get a full night of SLEEP!
I feel like I never get to bed at a decent hour anymore. To top that, Boston wants to get up at 6 am every stinking morning! Anyway, I am thankful for when I actually go to bed when I am supposed to and when my kids sleep past 7 am!!! Oh and to add to this I really am in love with my bed it's so comfy. Climbing in to it after an exhausting day is like a little slice of heaven!
I feel like I never get to bed at a decent hour anymore. To top that, Boston wants to get up at 6 am every stinking morning! Anyway, I am thankful for when I actually go to bed when I am supposed to and when my kids sleep past 7 am!!! Oh and to add to this I really am in love with my bed it's so comfy. Climbing in to it after an exhausting day is like a little slice of heaven!
day 3
I am so very thankful for Ben's EMPOYMENT
In the tough times of the economy, I am so thankful that we haven't had to endure the loss of a job like some of our friends have. We feel VERY blessed!
In the tough times of the economy, I am so thankful that we haven't had to endure the loss of a job like some of our friends have. We feel VERY blessed!
November 22, 2009
Day 4
I am grateful for my MEMORIES
I love reminiscing about the past and going through my old photos.. It gives my life so much meaning and because without them who would I really be?
I love reminiscing about the past and going through my old photos.. It gives my life so much meaning and because without them who would I really be?
November 21, 2009
Day 5
A nice warm BUBBLE BATH.
It is what I do to relax and unwind from a crazy day! Definitely thankful for this one!!
It is what I do to relax and unwind from a crazy day! Definitely thankful for this one!!
Day 6
I am thankful for loving PARENTS
I have the best Mom and Dad, they are great parents and even better grandparents. And by no means are they "perfect", but they are to me. They have been and will always be there for me, however silly or dramatic the need. I'm also thankful to have such a close relationship with both of them. I am certain that we pick our own parents in heaven, very certain.
I have the best Mom and Dad, they are great parents and even better grandparents. And by no means are they "perfect", but they are to me. They have been and will always be there for me, however silly or dramatic the need. I'm also thankful to have such a close relationship with both of them. I am certain that we pick our own parents in heaven, very certain.
Day 7
I am thankful for TECHNOLOGY
Without it I would be completely without any sort of a social life! I love the fact that I can keep in touch with so many friends and family so easily....LOVE it!
Without it I would be completely without any sort of a social life! I love the fact that I can keep in touch with so many friends and family so easily....LOVE it!
November 19, 2009
Day 8
I'm thankful for WAL-MART!
Sad but true, it's the place that I love too hate. And it's all too conveniently close to my house. As I'm posting this Ben said "why are you thankful for Wal-Mart, I hate that place, we spend way too much money there"! AMEN to that!!
Sad but true, it's the place that I love too hate. And it's all too conveniently close to my house. As I'm posting this Ben said "why are you thankful for Wal-Mart, I hate that place, we spend way too much money there"! AMEN to that!!
November 17, 2009
Day 9
I'm grateful to have a HOME
I love my house but what I mean is a home, more than the physical place it's a feeling you get when you're there. And there is no place like home! It's so comforting to have and is my refuge and sanctuary. Every time we pull into our driveway Brylee and Boston always say "we're home, our special, special house" cheesy...but true!
I love my house but what I mean is a home, more than the physical place it's a feeling you get when you're there. And there is no place like home! It's so comforting to have and is my refuge and sanctuary. Every time we pull into our driveway Brylee and Boston always say "we're home, our special, special house" cheesy...but true!
November 16, 2009
Day 10
I am extremely thankful for DIET COKE & CHOCOLATE! It's sad but true and especially on a day like today. They just go together like peanut butter and jelly!!!
November 15, 2009
Day 11
I'm eternally grateful for my loving FAMILY.
I have such a supportive, wonderful, generous and loving family. I've learned that in life many things will change, but you always have family...and boy am I glad!
Carter and all his presents minus some clothes he got! Isn't that a cute pirate face!
He must of really enjoyed the way the cake felt because all he wanted to do was squish his fingers in it, silly boy!
I have such a supportive, wonderful, generous and loving family. I've learned that in life many things will change, but you always have family...and boy am I glad!
Carter and all his presents minus some clothes he got! Isn't that a cute pirate face!

Princesses on Ice
On Saturday we went to SLC to watch Princesses on Ice. Boston pulling one of his MANY cute faces!
Brylee and Avery....or should I say Snow White and Cinderella!?!

Bry's first field trip
Happy Birthday Carter!
Day 12
I'm thankful for my adorable Mr. CARTER!
Today was my sweet baby Carter's birthday! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by, it seems like it wasn't long ago we had him. You have done almost everything faster than your brothers and sister from having 8 teeth by the time you were 10 months old to trying to walk at 11 months. Carter you are the light of my life, I adore you in every way. You have been a stubborn child at times but I can see it is the determination in your face and it makes me love you that much more! I wish I could bottle up every kiss I give you on those chubby cheeks, your smell, how good I feel when I know you need me, your quiet cry, you looking at me through your legs, your soft baby skin, and those big, long hugs and keep it all in a bottle for me to remember....because I know I'll miss them.
I'm thankful for my adorable Mr. CARTER!
Today was my sweet baby Carter's birthday! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by, it seems like it wasn't long ago we had him. You have done almost everything faster than your brothers and sister from having 8 teeth by the time you were 10 months old to trying to walk at 11 months. Carter you are the light of my life, I adore you in every way. You have been a stubborn child at times but I can see it is the determination in your face and it makes me love you that much more! I wish I could bottle up every kiss I give you on those chubby cheeks, your smell, how good I feel when I know you need me, your quiet cry, you looking at me through your legs, your soft baby skin, and those big, long hugs and keep it all in a bottle for me to remember....because I know I'll miss them.

November 13, 2009
Day 13
I'm so thankful to have wonderful FRIENDS in my life!
I really have the greatest friends, and without them I wouldn't have some much needed advice, lots and lots of laughs and some not so much needed chocolate! Thanks girls you are the best!!!
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words."
I really have the greatest friends, and without them I wouldn't have some much needed advice, lots and lots of laughs and some not so much needed chocolate! Thanks girls you are the best!!!
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words."
November 12, 2009
Day #14
I'm so grateful to have BOSTON in my life.
Every day is an adventure with Boston. He is an energetic, softhearted, loving, determined, bruiser and has absolutely NO fear. Which scares me to death!!! I love this little boy with all of my heart, he makes me laugh all day long! He definitely has and will always have his Mommas heart. I love you buddy, when I'm having a rough day you ALWAYS make me smile!!
Every day is an adventure with Boston. He is an energetic, softhearted, loving, determined, bruiser and has absolutely NO fear. Which scares me to death!!! I love this little boy with all of my heart, he makes me laugh all day long! He definitely has and will always have his Mommas heart. I love you buddy, when I'm having a rough day you ALWAYS make me smile!!

Day #15
November 10, 2009
OuR pHoTo ShOoT
Here is 15 of our cutest pictures, enjoy.....
The family pictures aren't perfect but neither are we, so it's a good fit!
Poor Carter looks a little awkward in this picture. Logan couldn't quite figure out what to do with him.

Handsome Logan!

He's starting to look like a young man in this picture...sniff, sniff!

Beautiful Brylee

She's always so easy to take pictures of!

GQ Boston

He's such a cutie but can be difficult, this is the only picture I got of him smiling!

Cute Carter

He was being so cute, he kept saying CHEESE!

My boys


So kissable

The girls

Handsome Logan!

He's starting to look like a young man in this picture...sniff, sniff!

Beautiful Brylee

She's always so easy to take pictures of!

GQ Boston

He's such a cutie but can be difficult, this is the only picture I got of him smiling!

Cute Carter

He was being so cute, he kept saying CHEESE!

My boys


So kissable

The girls
I actually had a lot of fun doing our ~not so professional~ photo shoot! I thought they turned out pretty good and we hadn't had "official" family pictures done since Brylee was 6 months old, so we were do! And besides that our kids are growing up so fast, you just can't take enough pictures!!!
Day 16
Day 17
I'm thankful to have the oppurtunity to be a MOM!
Being a Mom is the most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life, and I've never been so proud! Thanks to my hard working husband, I get to stay at home and spend the whole day with the cutest kids in the whole world!!! I love you guys tons, you are my life!
Being a Mom is the most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life, and I've never been so proud! Thanks to my hard working husband, I get to stay at home and spend the whole day with the cutest kids in the whole world!!! I love you guys tons, you are my life!
November 9, 2009
Day 18
I'm thankful for the GOSPEL in my life
I've received so much happiness, peace, blessings and friendships from having the gospel in my life! I'm eternally blessed and thankful!!!
I've received so much happiness, peace, blessings and friendships from having the gospel in my life! I'm eternally blessed and thankful!!!
November 8, 2009
Day 19
I love my LIFE
I have a wonderful times I'll sit back and think wow, this is MY life! It's great, I love it!
I have a wonderful times I'll sit back and think wow, this is MY life! It's great, I love it!
November 6, 2009
Day 20
I'm very thankful for good HEALTH
I've been truly blessed with good health in my life. Me, Ben and my kids are healthy and happy, what else could I ask for!
I've been truly blessed with good health in my life. Me, Ben and my kids are healthy and happy, what else could I ask for!
November 5, 2009
Day #21
I'm thankful every single day for LOGAN!
He's such an easy child and is SOOO smart! Logan brings so much comfort, joy and happiness into my life and his brothers and sister absolutely adore him! He's always excelled in everything that he's ever wanted to do, things have always come so easy for him. And the older he gets the more I know that he is truly going to be a great husband and father one day! I love you with all my heart and am VERY proud to be your Mom!!!
Last night Logan had his "Night of the Notables" presentation. It was for the parents to be able to see their presentations. At the first of the year he picked an "eminent person in history" for his autonomous learner class.
He decided to do his report on Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, he did REALLY awesome!
He's such an easy child and is SOOO smart! Logan brings so much comfort, joy and happiness into my life and his brothers and sister absolutely adore him! He's always excelled in everything that he's ever wanted to do, things have always come so easy for him. And the older he gets the more I know that he is truly going to be a great husband and father one day! I love you with all my heart and am VERY proud to be your Mom!!!
Last night Logan had his "Night of the Notables" presentation. It was for the parents to be able to see their presentations. At the first of the year he picked an "eminent person in history" for his autonomous learner class.
November 4, 2009
Day 22
I'm thankful for NATURE
Ever since I can remember, I've always LOVED to be outside. Like I said in the post before I was a tomboy and loved to fish, hunt, ride horses and get dirty. Thanks to my Dad's love for the same things, I had the great oppurtunity to be raised in places where I could experience that. Everytime we visit the mountains I'm brought back to those memories and I feel a great need to be closer to nature again. Someday........
November 3, 2009
23 days of gratitude
Day #23
Every day until Thanksgiving Eve I will be posting the many things that I'm thankful for.
Today It's BRYLEE! Growing up I was such a tomboy and I'd never thought much about having a girl but I remember the day I found out I was having Brylee I was overwhelmed with happiness I didn't know I had. She has been everything that I'd hoped for and SO much more! She has lots and lots of love in her heart, is really a lot of fun to be around and brings some much needed girlishness to our home! Brylee I am thankful every single day I have you, I love you!
Today Brylee had her Halloween party at her preschool since her teacher was sick last week. Here she is with her favorite, Teacher Vicki!
I was trying to get a picture of all of them but they were too excited to run to their parents!
Every day until Thanksgiving Eve I will be posting the many things that I'm thankful for.
Today It's BRYLEE! Growing up I was such a tomboy and I'd never thought much about having a girl but I remember the day I found out I was having Brylee I was overwhelmed with happiness I didn't know I had. She has been everything that I'd hoped for and SO much more! She has lots and lots of love in her heart, is really a lot of fun to be around and brings some much needed girlishness to our home! Brylee I am thankful every single day I have you, I love you!
Today Brylee had her Halloween party at her preschool since her teacher was sick last week. Here she is with her favorite, Teacher Vicki!
November 2, 2009
This year Boston dressed up as a hunter, Carter as a giraffe and Brylee as a fairy (her wings were in the car). Logan wore a "jason" mask but missed the picture because he went scouring the neighborhood for candy with my sister Dina, they had a blast! This year seemed like it was the best so far, first we went to our ward's trunk or treat then home for some homemade pizza, then we headed over to see my Mom then Ben's parents. It was a great day, good times and way too much candy!!!!
These two adorable clowns are Brylee and Boston's best friends Avery and Quinn. They look ready for some trick or treating!
November 1, 2009
Halloween Party
On Friday we had a neighborhood party and it was really so, so much fun! Amy and Holly did a great job of organizing it and everyone was good sports about dressing up and bringing cute treats! Here we all are! Left to right and top to bottom: Holly, Justin, Brooke, Kevin, Shawn, Freda, Chris, Carley, Ben, Trisha, Kirk & Amy
The cowboy and his scarecrow!
For a fun game we hung a donut from a string and had a contest to see who could eat it the fastest. It was a crack up, little did I know us girls would be doing it next!
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